The jQuery Gallery Slider is a tiny jQuery Plugin (<1kb) for sliding unlimited Images in Fullscreenmode up and down with the mouse. Resizing the Browserwindow is no problem, you can also set a specific width for your images (in px, % and em) if you don't want them fullscreen or set a rasterimage if you want.
Tested with: IE6, IE7, IE8, Latest Chrome, Opera, Safari and Firefox Versions.
Demo1 with 10 large images (settings: width=100%, raster=true)
Demo2 with other settings (settings: width=300px, raster=false)
Download the full working demo with the demo images and plugin files.
jQuery Gallery Slider Plugin (1,4 MiB, 4.752 hits)
Daniel Gebhart schreibt:
wau! da bruzelts in der kollermedia software schmiede. hot shit!
Felix schreibt:
nicht schlecht!
Webstandard-Team schreibt:
Danke für den LinkTipp und Demo’s ;o)
Patrick schreibt:
Meeega gut 🙂
Pol Moneys schreibt:
thank you for sharing 🙂
Kartal schreibt:
Can we make it left to right instead of top to bottom? And how?
ojotour schreibt:
Danke für den Demo’s und Links
Tim schreibt:
Hey, I can’t seem to open the .ZIP? Any chance of getting it re-uploaded or sent to me?
Thank you, great release!
n schreibt:
Hi dude,nice script! Thanks.
Is it possible to disable scrolling when height of an image is smaller than a screen height? Because now it’s going all crazy and scrolling in the wrong direction:).
Heiko schreibt:
Hey, I can’t seem to open the .ZIP? Any chance of getting it re-uploaded or sent to me?
Thank you, great release!
Marvin schreibt:
The file isn’t working for me. After I download and try to extract, it says the file is corrupted.