The jQuery Gallery Slider is a tiny jQuery Plugin (<1kb) for sliding unlimited Images in Fullscreenmode up and down with the mouse. Resizing the Browserwindow is no problem, you can also set a specific width for your images (in px, % and em) if you don't want them fullscreen or set a rasterimage if you want.


Tested with: IE6, IE7, IE8, Latest Chrome, Opera, Safari and Firefox Versions.


Demo1 with 10 large images (settings: width=100%, raster=true)
Demo2 with other settings (settings: width=300px, raster=false)


Download the full working demo with the demo images and plugin files.

  jQuery Gallery Slider Plugin (1,4 MiB, 4.752 hits)

  1. Hi dude,nice script! Thanks.
    Is it possible to disable scrolling when height of an image is smaller than a screen height? Because now it’s going all crazy and scrolling in the wrong direction:).


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